How to get around Jingdezhen: A budget travel strategy and cultural experience for college students

Jingdezhen, the ancient capital of ceramics, is not only a treasure of Chinese culture but also an ideal destination for modern university students on a budget. Here, you can find ancient ceramic techniques, enchanting natural scenery, and a rich historical and cultural heritage. Today, let’s explore how, as a university student, you can make the most of your visit to Jingdezhen with the least amount of money!

1. Visit the Ancient Kiln Folk Customs Expo Area

The Ancient Kiln Folk Customs Expo Area in Jingdezhen is a must-visit. It not only showcases the long history of ceramics in Jingdezhen but also allows you to experience the entire process of ceramic production up close. Most importantly, many exhibitions and activities are free to participate in, allowing you to appreciate ceramic art without incurring additional financial burdens.


2. Night Stroll Along the Changjiang River

The night view along the Changjiang River is one of the highlights of Jingdezhen. You can choose to take a walk by the river and feel the charm of the city at night. Additionally, there are many food stalls along the riverside offering a variety of authentic local delicacies. These snacks are not only affordable but also allow you to taste the unique culinary culture of Jingdezhen.

3. Experience Ceramic Making

In Jingdezhen, you can also try your hand at making ceramics. Many pottery studios offer DIY courses at relatively reasonable prices. By creating a ceramic piece yourself, you can gain a deeper understanding of ceramic culture and take home a unique souvenir.

4. Stay in a budget hotel or B&B

In terms of accommodation, Jingdezhen also has a number of budget hotels and B&Bs to choose from. These accommodations are affordable and well-equipped to meet the basic needs of university students. Search and compare rates and reviews on booking platforms in advance to find the best value for money accommodation options.

5. Use public transportation to get around

Jingdezhen has a well-developed public transportation network, including buses and taxis. For college students on a budget, choosing public transportation is the most economical way to get around. In addition, if you are interested in cycling, you can also choose to rent a shared bike and move freely around the city.

Jingdezhen, the ceramic capital, has a rich cultural heritage and unique natural scenery. Through this guide, I believe you have mastered the secret of how to play Jingdezhen on a limited budget. Come to Jingdezhen, measure the charm of the city with your footsteps, and feel the breadth and profundity of ceramic culture!